Temporary Truck Routes - Hwy 5 Bridge Closure

hwy 5 bridge closure

January 17, 2024 - **According to ALDOT, the closing of the bridge on Hwy 5 has been delayed until next week due to weather.**

The City of Jasper Police Department and the Street Department have developed a temporary plan to reroute big truck traffic while the ALDOT Hwy 5 bridge project is being conducted. This will be a temporary measure until the ALDOT project is completed. The temporary route that big trucks will be allowed to use is as follows:
SR Hwy 195 traffic will use Brakefield Dairy Road to cross to SR Hwy 5. Then SR Hwy 5 south to Studdard Road. Turning west on Studdard Road will take the big truck traffic to Old Russellville Road. Going south on Old Russellville Road will take the big truck traffic to SR Hwy 118. From there, they will have access to US I-22, and Elliott Boulevard will give big truck traffic access to SR Hwy 69 S and SR Hwy 269 S. To travel north, big trucks can reverse the route.