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Fire Chief Fields & Deputy Fire Chief Smith Retire
January 31, 2025 - The City of Jasper would like to thank and congratulate Fire Chief Dante Fields and Deputy Fire Chief – Fire Marshal Heath Smith on their retirement! Both have served the citizens of Jasper for more than 25 years and have faithfully and honorably given their service to the Jasper Fire and Rescue Department. Today is their last
January 20 - 24 Sanitation Collection Schedule
January 15, 2025 - There will be no Jasper garbage/debris collection on Monday, January 20, 2025, due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. Collection through the week will be delayed by one day beginning with regular Monday pickups occurring on Tuesday. Additionally, all non-essential city offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025
Non-Essential City Offices Closed January 10, 2025
Due to the threat of winter weather and hazardous road conditions, all non-essential City of Jasper offices will be closed tomorrow, January 10, 2025. The City of Jasper is ready to implement its winter weather plan. The Street Department is prepared with sand and ice melt. The Jasper Police Department and Jasper Fire Rescue will have their
Freeze Warning: Bring Your Pets Inside
From City of Jasper Animal Care and Control: FREEZE WARNING: BRING YOUR PETS INSIDE! Bitter cold is on the way! Temperatures will drop below freezing through next week, putting outdoor animals at serious risk. Reminder: If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for them! Please bring your pets inside and check on any outdoor animals in your
Warming Station
January 9, 2025—The Warming Station will open at 6:00 p.m. tonight at the JASPER AREA FAMILY SERVICES CENTER, located at 1400 19th Street West. Depending on weather conditions, extended hours may be possible. Current items of need include: hot hands, reflective vests, breakfast foods (cold or items that can be heated), and individual orange juice
Press Release
Office of the Mayor City of Jasper, AL 205-221-2100 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Jasper Police Department and the City of Jasper, Alabama, have been made aware of an unconfirmed and unauthenticated report circulating on various social media regarding allegations of denial of medical treatment to a City of Jasper inmate who was suffering from various
Governor Ivey Flag Lowering Directive for Former President Jimmy Carter
Flags at city buildings will be flown at half-staff following the Presidential Proclamation and Governor Ivey's memo authorizing that flags be flown at half-staff within the state of Alabama for 30 days to honor the service of former President Jimmy Carter who passed away December 29, 2024, at the age of 100.
Upcoming Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedules
UPCOMING HOLIDAY JASPER SANITATION PICKUP SCHEDULES Christmas Week: Monday and Tuesday pickups will be collected on Monday, Dec. 23. Regular Wednesday pickups will be collected on Thursday, Dec. 26. Regular Thursday pickups will be collected on Friday, Dec. 27. New Year’s Week: Monday and Tuesday routes will not be affected. Regular Wednesday
Walker County Christmas Parade in Jasper
December 10, 2024 - We so enjoyed participating in the Chamber of Commerce of Walker County Christmas parade last week! At today's council meeting, Mayor Cowen officially conceded and congratulated Jasper Police Department on their first-place win in the government division while also (jokingly) requesting an audit of JPD to determine if there is
Zoning Board of Adjustment
November 21, 2024 - NOTICE: The Jasper Zoning Board of Adjustment will meet on Monday, November 25th, at 9:00 a.m. at Pinnacle Bank. This meeting will be for a vote on a matter discussed at the public hearing held Thursday, November 21st, to discuss a request for Variance for a property located on Industrial Blvd. Pinnacle Bank is located at 1811
Thanksgiving Week Sanitation Pickup Schedule, Office Closures
November 21, 2024 - Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no Jasper garbage/debris collection on Thursday, November 29, 2024. If your garbage/debris is normally picked up on Thursdays, it will be picked up on WEDNESDAY next week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday pickups will remain the same. Additionally, all non-essential city offices will
Mayor Gary Cowen and Councilmember Josh Gates
November 12, 2024 - At last week’s Jasper City Council meeting, Dr. Gary Cowen was announced as the 19th mayor of the City of Jasper. He was sworn in as mayor in a private ceremony on October 28, 2024. Mayor Cowen, previously serving as President Pro Tempore, was legally in position to take over mayoral duties in the absence of Mayor David P. O